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Complete Field-To-Finish Efficiency Platform

Standardize workflows, automate processes, connect and integrate your data capture.

What is Can-Flow?

Can-Flow is a multi-pronged field-to-finish efficiency platform designed by Cansel and delivered to customers by CSDS, for professional land surveyors in the United States & Canada. Can-Flow addresses many of the bottlenecks and miscommunications that surveyors face collecting data in the field and interpreting this data in the office. Can-Flow also provides discipline and traceability to the sharing and storing of your valuable data.

field surveyor with SX10
two field workers with total station

What can Can-Flow do?

Can-Flow makes transferring knowledge, processes, and data between field surveyors, project managers, and engineers faster and more efficient through integrated data and standardized workflows. This allows decision-makers in survey engineering firms to transfer data efficiently and seamlessly between stakeholders without the hassle and downtime caused by having to reverse-engineer new equipment, applications, or processes and then integrate them back into workflows. 

Can-Flow Benefits

Standardize workflows

Standardize workflows

Quickly get data from the field to the office, reducing downtime and costs associated with handing off projects.

Automate processes

Automate processes

Standardized workflows make it easier to replicate and automate tasks and reduce or eliminate errors that can be caused by manual processes — and give you a competitive advantage through increased efficiency and reduced costs. 

Connect, integrate, and protect data 

Connect, integrate, and protect data 

Integrated and interconnected data systems drive workflow efficiency and safeguard data.

Can-Flow Components

Can-Flow Construction

Can-Flow Construction

Can-Flow Construction uses pre-configured CAD design stakeout and layout output to produce the surfaces, points, roads, pipes, corridors, and utilities to match the layout methodology and order that makes sense for construction layout order and activities. This is far more sophisticated than traditional methods, which are limited to point-and-line, DXF output.

Can-Flow Survey

Can-Flow Survey

Can-Flow Survey enables you to create linework connectivity, layering, symbology, and attributes directly in the field and transfer it to CAD. This saves time in the office, and you can be confident the data delivered downstream is accurate and reliable.

Can-Flow Data Management

Can-Flow Data Management

Integrated projects in Can-Flow Data Management are pre-created to manage every aspect of project – including the BIM model, data and process files, resource lifecycles, notifications, transmittals, tracking, and file management.

Can-Flow CAD

Can-Flow CAD

Can-Flow CAD efficiently and accurately assimilates data to create the Original Asset model required for design. Can-Flow CAD configures templates, description keys, figures, surfaces, and design objects to receive upstream data, providing connectivity and clash detection. Next, it uses survey data and built-in stakeout methods to rapidly produce stakeout objects for the next stage of design.

Can-Flow GIS

Can-Flow GIS

Can-Flow GIS is comprised of Survey/CAD/BIM/ETL data models with schemas and cloud applications to automate repetitive tasks and store historic data and records – integrations traditionally siloed in other platforms. BIM360 / ArcGIS Enterprise / ArcGIS Online / GeoBIM data is integrated with FME and DYNAMO to unify disparate processes and create an integrated, collaborative platform to better visualize Civil 3D, Revit, Inventor, and CAD. This empowers stakeholders to efficiently review, comment, and approve input.

Learn how Can-Flow can be right for your business